Thursday, December 19, 2013

Miro Mobiles

I love Joan Miro.  I love his bold black lines and also the surreal and innocent quality of his work.  Miro very much admired the artwork of children and this is reflected in his use of shape and color.  He is said to have believed that all things, even inanimate objects, have a hidden life that is both strange and beautiful.  Perhaps wondering about these hidden worlds gives his work its surreal quality.    

Students visited Miro's world and analyzed his paintings to identify his preferred lines and shapes.  They noticed moons, stars, spirals, hash marks, as well as organic and geometric shapes whose arrangement sometimes suggest figures and animals.    

Students received a Sharpie and a piece of drawing paper to create the symbols and figures for their  mobile.  Here are some of their creations.

They created a lot of designs

When they were done they flipped their papers over to outline and color-fill the back of the page.
I adore this young artist's "Alien Babe" (above) and think Miro would like it too.

When finished students "bubble cut" around their shapes.  Using a hole punch and florist wire the shapes were hung to balance.  More mobiles to come.

Here I found a wonderful resource for all things Miro.  Click on "Play Miro"  for a great kids corner.

Thanks for looking.  

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Fashion Drawing Fifth Grade Love

Fifth grade fashion design drawings.  This work is beginning to amaze me.  Just a few weeks in and I am seeing greater control, imagination and sophistication in the fashion drawings.  

You can tell the earliest works.  The figures look a little stiff and the artists tried hard to avoid drawing hands. But with time and practice the figures look more graceful, and the hands are apparent and begin to overlap the outfits. 

Once they mastered the model, students were encouraged to move away from the body-con look, which we all agreed was a great first step.  They are now striving to design and draw the drape of clothing and are working on adding texture, pattern and detail to their designs.  

One student brought in her collection of  BARBIE clothes for inspiration.  The served as a great jumping off point for inventing new fashion designs.

We are moving away from the standing pose and working on a stronger fashion pose.  Stay tuned for more.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Peace on Earth

The Lion's Club is very active in our community and supportive of our school.  Each year they solicit contributions to the international peace poster contest and the theme this year is "Our world, our future".  I have mixed feelings about the contest.  I really love the idea and support the cause, but the timing is not great for me.  This is a BIG project in size and in scope.  The theme is abstract and the rules are glue, no words or letters, and sized at least 14 X 20.  I like to provide a lot of latitude to students to develop their ideas in the media they wish, but we are pressed to get work up and running to meet the deadline without adequately covering clean-up procedures in an effective way.  In a's chaotic.
Students are sometimes less than enthusiastic about the contest, so this year I offered it as as a choice secretly hoping that fewer participants would make it more manageable.  To my surprise many students chose the poster option.  It was still chaotic, but gratifying to know that they were fully engaged and following their interests and we had many beautify entries this year.  Students used the contest guidelines as the project criteria to assess their work and students were required to research, develop a draft, complete their poster, and reflect on their work.  I love the interpretations. And, I think, a good time was had by all.

I really love this one...wouldn't it make a fun Christmas Card?

World peace in the belly of a dove.  Wouldn't it be great if the world were all happy faces and rainbows.

And yes, the world needs more cows eating hay bales on rainbows.