When September comes I can't wait to meet all my new kindergartners and start learning names. We meet just once a week for art and sometimes it takes me a while to learn all the names. It takes even longer to figure out who can do what. But, last year I came across a quick art project that is also a helpful assessment tool. It uses the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" by Bill Martin and Eric Carle. I'm re-posting today because as the year unfolded, I was amazed to see how helpful this assessment was in capturing important information about my students.
I found this assessment idea on a sight called Kinderkorner. It is now my first day of kindergarten standard. If you don't have the book "Brown Bear", no worries. It's also on You tube.
To see the assessment in detail you can click here.
So that's it for me, but what about you?
What's your first day of kindergarten lesson plan looking like this year?
Have a great day!