Thursday, September 1, 2011

I See a Song

I feel sad because I just learned that school will not open until next week, but this video made me feel a little better.  Kinder lesson two.


  1. Thanks. There are so many possible applications of this in the art room!!

  2. Oh, this is WONDERFUL!!! I've done a lesson using as the theme the song "the hills are alive with the sound of music" and this could be a fun compliment to that.

    So sorry to hear that you school has to postpone opening. I was in my school today, and I walked down the grade 7/8 hallway and a boy was sitting on the floor before an open locker. "Jack, what ARE you doing?!!" I asked. (By the way, Jack is a sweet kid, going into 8th grade.) Well, he explained that he was SO excited about the start of school (for the kids, next Thursday) that he had come in to set up his locker. He'd put in a shelf, and was filling it with binders and notebooks and all sorts of stuff. Made my day!

  3. Hi! Thanks for following my blog room9art! Welcome and I hope you share it with others and enjoy my lessons.
    FYI, I grew up in North Bennington, so i was thrilled to see someone from Vt had found the blog. I tried to contact you through google friend connect, but it wouldn't work. Hope you don't mind that I left this under comments.
    I am also very excited to start school. We are starting on Tuesday, but we are over a week late because of the storm. The anticipation is killing me! Have a great school year and let me know if i can help you with anything in the future. Jana aka onelittledeer.

  4. I LUV MUSIC!!!!!!This was a really beautiful song and a pretty good playlist,Thanks for sharing....

    Play school in Chennai
